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April NC Weekend Men's Renewal Retreat Group

Public·5 members

April 17, 2022 · joined the group.

Thank you, Chris Wasman, for this life-changing ministry. The time spent at the retreat was transformational. Not only did I have the chance to rest, renew and recharge, but it was also an opportunity to meet other men whose journeys were similar to mine. But most surprisingly, God was waiting for us, right there, at that retreat house, with an unforgettable experience of spiritual growth in store for us all!

Chris W.
Chris W.
Apr 12, 2022

I can't imagine that retreat without your awesome presence there. Thank you so much for setting aside this time and joining us!

Omar Cardona
April 12, 2022 · joined the group.

What an amazing time!! Incredible group of guys and God was on the move during our time together. Thank you all for taking some time away from your busy lives to get dialed in on what matters most. I will never forget that weekend with you and pray that what happened there changes not only your story, but those around you because you are walking in step with God. Love you guys!


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